A real time installation into oceanic flows. 

YEAR: 2024
PRODUCTION: Cellule Studio
PARTNERS: CMCC, OGS Trieste, Cineca 
VENUE: Serra Madre Bologna

The ocean is the lung of our planet. It exhales the breath we all share as mammals, weaving together flows, currents and atmosphere. Beneath its surface is kept the secret of life on earth: ancient songs of whales, upwelling of phytoplankton and whispers of tides circulating half of oxygen on earth.

In this moment of urgency, with warming waters impacting global circulation and sea mammal survival, Destination Earth, a novel interactive performance led by art director Salome Bazin, invites us to pause and listen back to the deep and ancient pulse of the sea. From satellite data powered by Leonardo supercomputer, to real-time generative music and motion tracking capturing visitors movements, the artwork plunges the audience into an immersive embodied experience of flow.

Art and movement direction: Salome Bazin
Generative Composer: Rob M Thomas
Creative technologist: Sebastiano Barbieri
Dataset technician: Silvano Imboden
Curator and producer: Kilowatt
Scientific Adviser OGS: Stefano Salon, Alice Affatati, Chiara Scaini
Scientific Adviser CMCC wave/current: Emanuela Clementi
Computing partner: CINECA
Performers: Valentina Siciliano, Emanuel Kaeser, Greta Colonna, Nicolo Moscato.