An immersive 360 performance into the sounds of the earth
YEAR: 2023
PRODUCTION: Cellule Studio
PARTNERS: Sound Earth Legacy,
Kinda Studios
VENUE: MIRA Festival Barcelona
The cultivation of environmental and collective empathy is essential to sustainability. Music is one of the most powerful tools to communicate and create empathy. Synchronies , which premiered at MIRA Festival, is an invitation to dive into the sonic connection between our bodies and the earth, to help us better understand the planet we live in and inhabit everyday.
Synchronies aim to engage audiences on the urgency of preserving the sonic health of our planet in a 360 sound symbiotic journey on the impact of sound pollution on humans and other mammals.
Curation : Sound Earth Legacy
Neuroaesthetic research: Kinda Studios
Creative technologist: Simon Haenggi
Composer: Arthur Astier
Mix/ Sonification: Antoine Bertin
Photography: Leafhopper
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